Monday, February 2, 2009

Future of Chat.......

This is more of a rhetorical question than a blog post but it is something that we are all a part of. I want to discuss the evolution of Chat and where it could possibly be heading. As far as I can remember the first online chat program that I signed up for was called MIRC. It stands for Internet Relay Chat and is a chat interface.It is used to communicate, share, play or work with others on IRC networks around the world, either in multi-user group conferences or in one-to-one private discussions. Mirc, when I first started using it, was an easy way to chat with various people around the world but had no easy and coherent way of gathering friends in the local area so I found myself chatting to random people around the world (kinda cool). Then came the introduction of MSN. It was the new way to communicate and seemed so convenient and easy to use. Simply search someones hotmail address and you add them to you list. There was also the neat option, if you wanted, to search people your own age or with similar interests. It also came with a fully functioning email account and seemed the end all to chat programs. And then along comes Facebook. What can I say about it? Well I think like most people I share a Love/Hate relationship with Facebook. I think it is an easy and convenient way to communicate with friends and family around the world. It is easy to use, easy to access, fairly secure and practical. You can view and post pictures, songs, videos and other exciting multimedia as well as chat or exchange messages. But to be honest with you, its just too much. I mean I enjoy being in Facebook once a day or so for a few minutes but it can be so time consuming when someone posts a wedding album consisting of 200 photo's. The worst part about it is that now if you don't look at all those pictures and comment on them, they get pissed off at you. So I mean having that option of doing more in a way forces you into having to do it. (If that makes sense) My question than is, What the hell is next? I mean what else can we come up with? It kind of scares me to be honest with you! Anyways I have to go check My Wall so I'll write next week!


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